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Lecture 1: Mark Finley Public Evangelism (Focus: Church & Field Preparation - including Bible Workers)Learn the 11 principals to effective field work for evangelism and meeting candidates for bible study by General Conference very own International, Evangelist and Assistant To The President, Pastor Mark Finley. Part one Pastor Mark Finley's lecture provides us with 7 field work tis tips. They are: 1. Cast Vision 2. Intercede (earnestly pray) 3. Throughly organize 4. Equip & train (establish ministries) 5. Launch your ministries 6. Pre-enroll in the evangelistic series 7. Launch your evangelistic series with confidence Enjoy rewatching the lecture
Lecture 2: Mark Finley l How to be a Successful Bible Worker (the Art & Guidelines for Effective Bible work)?In this lecture Mark Finley provide guidance and tips on identifying how to identify and prepare people in the community for bible study. 4 takeaways are: 1. Look every place you can to find a Bible Study (hairdresser, barber shop, etc) Soul winning is not something you do, it’s someone you are. 2. When you see an interest don’t let it slip away. Capture immediately. 3. Use a systematic series of Bible Studies to take the individual from A through Z. 4. Do not wait until the end until you make an appeal. Make an appeal at the end of every session.
Lectures 3: Arnaldo Cruz l Social Media & Small Group Evangelism TechniquesKey Points 1. There is no second chance to make a good first impression 2. Give the good news to EVERYONE (go to them!) 3. Be yourself 4. Friends that come to small groups should find — good news, healing, hope, time to pray and a moment to share 5. Small group meetings must have 3 qualities— Relevant, Short, Intentional 6. Christ method alone is the best method - [ ] Mingle - [ ] Have sympathy - [ ] Minister to their needs (e.g. health, marriage,) - [ ] Win their confidence (trust) - [ ] They will follow—ask why you are so happy and want to come with you to church
Lectures 4: Dr. Carlton Byrd l Public Evangelism (Focus on Sermon Delivery)Sermon Notes Preaching 1. God’s word should be preached in a clear, compelling way. Must have deliberate sensitivity to those being preached to. The Word of God alone has the power to bring people to Christ and keep them there. Public Evangelistic Preaching 1. Evangelism is the preaching of the Lord with the intention of exposing Gods love to all mankind through Jesus 2. Evangelistic preaching is expository and has the primary aim of salvation of lost souls. Preach with the intention of immediate actions Make a Thesis Eg. the seventh day is the Sabbath Use Biblical text to support Eg. Genesis 1 (creation story) & Exodus 20:8-11 (4th Commandment) Luke 4:16-20(NT reference) Acts 13 - these text support thesis Use deductive or inductive approach Lead up to or hit right away E.g. Deductive- tonight I will preach on the Sabbath Inductive - lead up to the topic Be persuasive Appeal to intellect Use facts and Biblical information to speak to intellect Appeal to the emotions Lead people to a decision Sermon Sequence for Evangelistic Preaching (separated in couplings) Salvation Second Coming Millennium State of the Dead Commandment Keeping Sabbath Change of the Sabbath Health Message Baptism True Church When preaching you have to be: ⁃ Creative ⁃ Illustrative ⁃ Relevant ⁃ Energetic ⁃ In Narrative Form ⁃ Teach “Our message is timeless but our presentation must be commensurate with the times.” Believe the Message 1. You can’t preach what you don’t believe 2. Believing the message means that you cannot publicly bash the church as the church is the vehicle in which the information is being shared 3. You can’t condemn on pulpit or social media and then ask people to accept message and join Practice the Message 1. Practice what you preach 2. Greatest sermon ever preached is the one loved The Appeal ⁃ Sermon can be homiletically correct ⁃ Can be theologically stimulating ⁃ Can be emotionally inspiring ⁃ People can say amen, nod head, etc. but must make a decision 1. Be intentional - make the appeal 2. Be specific - What are you asking the people for? 3. Be confident - Don’t be scared 4. Be yourself - work in your own armor 5. Be passionate - believe what you’re saying 6. Be transparent - make yourself vulnerable. Show empathy ⁃ use music to accompany the appeal ⁃ Musician playing softly/someone playing and or singing ⁃ You are appealing to the emotions ⁃ The sermon has appealed to the cognitive ⁃ The appeal needs to appeal to the emotive Ask individuals to: ⁃ Stand ⁃ Raise hand ⁃ Write on appeal card ⁃ Come to the front Decision texts ⁃ John 3:16 ⁃ 1 John 1:9 ⁃ 2 Corinthians 5:17 ⁃ James 4:17 ⁃ Hebrews 10:26 ⁃ John 14:15 ⁃ Hosea 4:6 ⁃ Revelation 22:14 Virtual Appeal Give online viewers the opportunity to respond to the virtual appeal ⁃ website ⁃ Social media (chat/post) ⁃ Telephone
Lectures 5: Dr. Carlton Byrd l Multi-cultural EvangelismSermon Notes Session 2 - Multi-Cultural Evangelism The Mission of the SDA Church is rooted in the Gospel Commission (Never lose sight of this) Our Goal is to make Disciples and baptism is a manifestation of this. Challenges to the Mission 1. Societal Changes ⁃ post COVID-19 Society ⁃ Technological (we live in a highly technological world in which we no longer have to be all together in one room but may meet on a platform like Zoom) ⁃ Geographical (Urban, Rural — many are moving out of smaller, more rural areas and are going to more urban areas for greater job opportunity and economic advancement) ⁃ Economic (Affluence, Wage Earners — has impacted the urgency of Christ’s coming; also there are multiple wage earners which impacts individuals availability to be actively involved in Evangelistic Series. 2. Social Changes ⁃ Increased Secularization (eg. co-habitation and things of secular nations) ⁃ Postmodernism Message should still be preached! Is the same but the methods must be different. Fresh ideas must be generated. We have to scratch where people are itching We are called to be innovative. We must pray for wisdom fromGod to receive guidance for ways to reach individuals in a new, progressive and innovative way under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Evangelism ⁃ It is not an event! It is a process. Everything we do should reflect evangelism. ⁃ Reaching the lost is our primary focus ⁃ The money you have, the more resources you have, the more resources you have the more ministries you have. The more ministries you have the more Create and Evangelistic Culture at Your Church 1. Worship 2. Evangelistic Outreach If worship is to contribute to growth of the church, 3 things must be true: 1. Members can’t wait to attend 2. Members are proud to bring their friends 3. Whoever attends is eager to return Worship Service but a Worship Experience Warmth and Hospitality of the Congregation Intentional, careful selection of parking supervisors, greeters, ushers, and worship leaders ⁃ Be friendly ⁃ Look for visitors. Be seekers sensitive. ⁃ Smell nice ⁃ Be in proper uniform ⁃ Work cooperatively with other personnel ⁃ Have ample supply of materials ⁃ Be engaging ⁃ Be approachable ⁃ Be positive Worship Should be a Celebration Leviticus 23:32 “From evening until evening shall you celebrate the Sabbath” Psalm 100:2 “Serve with the gladness” Our services should be intensely interesting Music Relevance - in established churches, the natural tendency is to do music to please older generations 1. why the unchurch guests are rare 2. Average age in the US is 35 but in the church is 61 Music Elements: ⁃ Excellence ⁃ Utilize competently skilled musicians ⁃ Engage in rehearsals (worship, choir, praise team, musicians, etc) ⁃ Balance ⁃ Remember “singers sing” and “preachers preach” ⁃ Sing your best ⁃ Song selection is critical ⁃ Dress appropriately Media/Technology ⁃ Utilize power point and visual aids for songs, announcements, scripture reading, etc. (ensure screens advance appropriately and on time with speaker) Evangelistic Preaching See previous presentation Evangelistic Outreach 1. Musical Programs/Concerts 2. Block Parties 3. Food giveaways 4. “Oil Change” Ministry 5. Community Guest Days 6. Disaster Response 7. Clean up initiatives 8. COVID 19 Testing 9. Habitat for Humanity 10. Support group 11. Barber Shops 12. Beauty Salons 13. Divorce Care 14. Health/Fitness Exercise Classes 15. Environmental or “Green” Projects 16. Food Pantry 17. Clothing Distribution 18. Smoking Cessation Classes 19. Computer Classes 20. ESOL Classes Train Personnel(Ushers, greeters, parking attendants, etc Secure demographic data from every visitor Send communication to every visitor within two days of their visit Build database of visitors with intentions to invite to future worship experiences, events, etc. Send letter to visits every appeal respondent Invite family Friends Co-workers Neighbors Build database of everyone invited Send thank you letter to everyone that attends Build Your Church Calendar to Reflect Intentional Community Initiatives Public Evangelistic Campaign ⁃ Four to Six weeks minimum ⁃ Bible Workers - must be willing to go door to door for 4-6 weeks before the campaign (speak to community relevance, scan for children and other needs of the family) Week One: Prayer Interests Week Two: Follow-up on Prayer Interests Week Three: Follow-up on Prayer Interests and Leave Bible lesson 1-2 Week Four: Pick up Bible Studies 1-2 and Leave Bible Studies 3-4 Week Five: Pick up Bible Studies 3-4 and conduct home visit with Bible Studies 5-6 Week Six: Conduct Home Visit and Bible Studies 7-8 and Invite to Public Evangelistic Campaign Sample Evangelistic Liturgy Brief Welcome/Opening Prayer Congregational Praise & Worship Longer Welcome Gift giving/Quiz Review/Reminders Musical Selection Offering Musical Selection Sermon/Appeal Quiz Benediction Sample Evangelistic Liturgy 2 Brief Welcome/Opening Prayer Congregational Praise & Worship Longer Welcome Gift giving/Quiz Review/Reminders Musical Selection (2) Sermon/Appeal Quiz/Offering Benediction Sermon Sequence Salvation Second Coming Millennium State of the Dead Commandment Keeping Sabbath Change of the Sabbath Health Message Baptism True Church
Lectures 6: Ps John Bradshaw l The Concept of TMISermon Notes Notes: Our schools exist to Adventize our student and expose them to Evangelism in addition to educating them. Jesus said “the harvest is great” Jesus lamented “the laborers are few” ⁃ Every member has a role to play in Evangelism The greatest sleeping giant is the laity ⁃ Sabbath services should be used as a time to teach about Evangelism to equip and encourage members to become a part of church Evangelism One of the greatest things we can do is set the expectation about Evangelism Many church members believe Evangelism is for the Evangelist At baptism, ministry begins Look at your church budget - where does Evangelism fall. This indicates how important Evangelism is to your church. A pulling horse doesn’t kick ⁃ If you put a horse to work, it doesn’t have time to kick ⁃ If members are working, they don’t have time to complain and get involved in idle behavior The church manual says that the first priority of the church board is to plan and execute the Evangelistic outreach of the church. Sabbath School is expected to be Evangelistic. That can be used as a tool to teach friends and family. Colporteurs can share dynamic stories of their experiences. Should do it right before the sermon, where people are present and fully tuned in.
Lectures 7: Ps John Bradshaw l Church PlantingNotes: There is no limit to the use of 1 If every single church member, engaged 1 person in Bible Study will lead to the Revolution that we would like to see in our church What will I preach? - Feed the flock • Prophecy - once a month • Holidays are opportunities (MLK Day, Mother’s Day —Jael:mothers of Israel, Father’s Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc.) • Once a month preach about one of the Fundamental Beliefs • Other week in the month is open to preach a sermon of choice I want to see our pulpits become centers of good preaching ⁃ We are Seventh Day Adventists and should preach the Bible as such How to do Evangelism with limited resources: ⁃ We should preach with the whole range of the Bible and what it says (not just the bread, but also the roughage — which gives the saints the ability to understand and become excited about the word) ⁃ Patience and endurance ⁃ Must have a worship service that is vital (do not just focus on being modern) ⁃ Form relationships ⁃ Do not abandon old methods —work them, and your church will grow ⁃ Take time: every member should allot time for Evangelism (people will make time for what they want to make time for) ⁃ Must make friends and be active in the community. Must show that we as a church care, and that without our church in the community, the community will not be better off ⁃ Visit (speak with family and make an appointment). If a family is adamant about you not coming to their home, ask to meet them at a restaurant. Visit at hospitals, nursing homes and even during fellowship lunch at church, going table to table to speak with members: Visitation is not limited to Pastor and Elders, members can be trained to do visits. If we want our churches to grow, we have to give people a reason to want to come back. Do not say during offering: “now is the time of the service where everyone gets to participate” Offering Appeal: The church is an Evangelistic tool, and what you give today will allow us to continue to work toward our goal as a church. Some of our churches don’t grow, because they shouldn’t. Sabbath morning Evangelism ⁃ Week 1: Invite friends and family and discuss the Bible and why we believe in it ⁃ Week 2: Speak about the signs of the times (gently not accusatory) and ensure to make an appeal (there are many times when people want to make a decision, but no one ever asks them to) ⁃ Weeks 3-6: Continue to invite and preach Bible based sermons ⁃ Week 7/8: Preach on the Sabbath (members must bring friends and family in order to preach to the unchurched) When Evangelism becomes a part of the church, it will grow. When you train members to share their faith, they will and you will see church growth Church members can get involved right away. Invest in them place them in ministry right away. ⁃ Become greeters ⁃ Work to prepare meals and fellowship dinner ⁃ Invite them on visits to do Bible Studies Mega Mailer - allows individuals to request Bible study Averaging a response of 10 per 1,000 If you take time to bring lessons to individual homes, they are able to ask you questions and not cease correspondence via mail lessons if they are confused or do not like something. All departments can be vehicles of Evangelism ⁃ Women’s Ministry: can have tea, followed by a Bible Study ⁃ Pathfinders: a vehicle to baptize children and their parents ⁃ Schools: community programs like smoking cessation ⁃ Health: use professionals to do free checks and screenings
Lectures 8: Dir. Chenoa Jimenez-Vilfranc: Digital EvangelismSERMON NOTES: Digital Discipleship Gods Multiplication Principle Course Dominion You are blessed You are fruitful You are multiplication Law vs Principle Laws are universal Each principle can be applied to social media for multiplication 1. Law of words - everything began with a thought/idea; Good began to speak the world into existence. Through the power of your words you can enhance what you do (download Bing app) Chat GBT, Grammerly - assists with grammar and syntax 2. Seed time and harvest time- be intentional about the content you share and how you engage your followers. Will take time, be patient. Timing is everything. Call to action—like, share, visit us, subscribe, etc 3. Giving - This principle requires a mind shift. We are placed there to give value to our audience. 4. Faith - Believe that what you are creating will have impact. 5. Obedience - Constantly strive to be obedient to who God is and His commands. 6. Love - Apply love with all other principles, we can change the world. 7. Increase - Teaches us to strive for knowledge. Learning and growth is an essential part of digital discipleship. Emulate practices that work well.
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